Fragments of Loneliness
───Midway upon the journey of our lifeI found myself within a forest dark,For the straightforward pathway had been lost.The Divine Comedy, Dante Alighieri ….so lonely, I saw you, in my dream.
The Unbearable Distortion of Being
“I closed my eyes, and when I opened them again, I couldn’t tell where reality ended and the dream began.The lines were blurring, and the world was becoming distorted.” “目を覚ますと、現実か夢なのか分からなくなる。境界が曖昧になり、世界が歪みはじめる”
Fragments of Loneliness – Video Art
so lonely,i saw you,in my dream.
Paper Project (Progress) – Avantgarde 70s Parallel World
Shirt Project(Progress) – Fragments of Loneliness
Midway upon the journey of our lifeI found myself within a forest dark,For the straightforward pathway had been lost.